Something is Killing the Children
James Tynion IV and Werther Dell'edera have created the best Buffy comic ever in 'Something is Killing the Children'. Sure it isn't Buffy and actually has more differences than similarities on a close reading but the broad strokes are - young woman charged with a mission to kill supernatural monsters, pompous mentor figure, shadowy organisation coordinating efforts with their own agenda. So far so familiar.
Erica Slaughter is a darker figure though and the monsters are scarier and more deadly - imagined into existence by the only people who can see them, the children, who are also almost exclusively the victims.
The art is kinetic but keeps a grip on the storytelling - avoiding getting carried away with splash pages and making nice use of the panels to control the pacing.
It really is a great comic (well in this 15 comics - I read the three available collections from BOOM! publishing) and definitely one I'll be recommending in future. As good as anything I've read in the last few years.